Blue Fronted Amazon for Sale
Blue Fronted Amazon for Sale
These feathered creatures love to climb and bite, so it’s suggested that Amazon parrot proprietors furnish their pets with a lot of toys, including steps and ropes to swing on. Keep a couple of additional bite toys prepared to supplant any that turn out to be excessively worn and your flying creature won’t come up short on toys to engage himself with when you’re nowhere to be found. A sound eating regimen should comprise of great pellets, a quality seed blend, and day by day servings of crisp, winged animal safe products of the soil.
Blue Fronted Amazon for Sale
The Blue Fronted Amazon , is also known as the turquoise-fronted amazon .They are the ultimate in affection, clever and obedient, and gentle. They actually think of themselves as “little people”! Blue Fronted amazon for sale,
This Amazon is mostly a green birds, but gets its name from a bright yellow patch that develops on the nape of the neck. The Blue Fronted amazon is very similar to several other Amazon species that also develop yellow markings. One of these very popular Amazons is the Double Yellow-headed Amazon Amazona oratrix. Its entire head rather than just the nape becomes yellow. Another is the the Yellow-Naped Amazon Amazona ochrocepha that develops a patch of yellow the crown.
When they are young it is difficult to tell any of these yellow marked Amazons apart. The yellow markings develop as they age over a period of about four years. Besides color there are some other differences between these parrots. They differ from each other in things like body size, temperament, and talking ability. It’s important to know which Amazon you are getting so you know what to expect.
The Blue Front amazon is considered to be an excellent all around bird. It is very popular as a great pet and can be one of the better talkers. Besides being quite intelligent, which makes them easy to tame and train, they are very fun and affectionate. This pet parrot is very social and enjoys the company of people as well as other birds. They will form very strong bonds with their owner, becoming fast friends and exhibit total confidence. They are also a hardy robust bird and can do well in either a cage or an aviary.
Care and feeding of Blue Fronted amazon for sale
In the wild, the diet of the Blue Fronted amazon Amazon consists of fruits, plants, seeds and nuts and probably some protein. A pet bird will enjoy a varied diet, including a quality seed mix or a pelleted diet, and many fresh fruits and vegetables. Pellets will work if started at an early age.
Plenty of human food that is nutritious can be offered, and they like chicken. They like to eat at the table and enjoy eating with their family. Avocado and chocolate are toxic to any parrot. They will let you know when it’s dinner time.
Social Behaviors
The Blue Front amazons are wonderful as young birds, but tend to become nippy, even outright aggressive as they get older, particularly the males, though individual birds vary. They are notorious for temperament changes, and will attack their owners viciously. Females tend to remain sweeter, so you might want to consider a hen when making your purchase. This may not be a bird for children, as a bite from a yellow nape’s beak is formidable. But don’t let this daunt you”they have wonderful pet potential, and they are certainly a popular choice for many reasons. If you notice a temperament change, simply take precautions that you don’t get hurt, or hurt the bird either.
This Amazon enjoys human interaction as well as interaction with other birds. In the wild they are very social birds living in groups. They are seen either in pairs or flocks, from small groups to groups of several hundred birds. They also form permanent pairs when they are sexually mature.
If you are looking for a quiet bird, an amazon Parrot is not for you. It is a highly social bird who loves human companionship and loves to play. They will learn tricks and look forward to interaction and games. The Blue Front amazon will provide you with many fun moments and a lot of laughter.
The Blue Front amazon will adapt rapidly, quickly becoming accustomed to a new environment and its keeper. It is then ready to start bird training. Generally though, you should give a new arrival a few days to get use to you, your voice and its cage before trying to handle it. A hand fed baby will not need much taming and can often be handled right away, as it is use to human attention.
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