
Buy Goffin’s Cockatoos

Goffin Cockatoos bond strongly with their owners and require daily interaction to maintain their mental and emotional health. These birds simply cannot thrive if they are neglected, and will resort to destructive behaviors if their need for interaction is not met. Due to their personalities, Goffin’s Cockatoos are recommended for experienced bird owners that can spend significant time with them.

Sex: Female
Specie: Goffin cockatoo
Age: 5 months old
Health: Guarantee/DNA Tested
Shipping: Available


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Goffin cockatoo for sale

The Tanimbar corella also known as Goffin’s cockatoo or the blushing cockatoo, is a species of cockatoo endemic to forests of Yamdena, Larat and Selaru, all islands in the Tanimbar Islands archipelago in Indonesia. Goffin Cockatoo for sale

These parrots might be considered a high maintenance pet If occasionally neglected, the goffin  cockatoo might become depressed or destructive. These birds like to group into larger flocks, frequently with Sulphur Crested Cockatoos. These social creatures like to nest in tree cavities, laying white eggs which incubate for about 25 days. Chicks leave the nest approximately 50 days after hatching. Cockatoos need nothing but the biggest of cages.

The more space that you provide for your feathered friend, the better in the long-term. At the very least, buy a cage about 90 x 70 x 120 cm. Consider adding a parrot stand or a Java tree so that your bird can enjoy climbs. Mind stimulating toys are a good idea. Buy bird puzzles, foraging toys, chewy toys, and anything else that will keep your parrot happy. cockatoos are some of the loudest of all the parrots on the planet.


How to Care for Goffin cockatoo

Goffin cockatoo for sale can tolerate variable temperatures but it should never get below freezing in their enclosure. Nail clipping may be required as will beak trimming if you cannot supply native pandanus nuts. These powder down parrots enjoy baths and should regularly get the opportunity to get wet. Molting is a steady process where the bird loses one to two feathers at a time.                  Buy baby  online

Feeding should be with a high-quality pelleted diet with at least half of its diet consisting of fruits, nuts, and vegetables. Obtaining nuts from its natural environment can be very beneficial to your bird and help it keep its beak in good shape.


Goffin’s cockatoos have a reputation for being very social and affectionate. They are playful, inquisitive, and active birds that require plenty of interaction and attention from their owners they may be one of the smaller cockatoos but they have a big bird personality and are quite fun-loving and gregarious.

Compared to many parrots, the Goffin’s is relatively quiet they do scream,when they want your attention. These are not the best talkers, though they do vocalize, can learn a few words, and enjoy mimicking sounds they hear. If you really want to be entertained, turn on music because they love to dance.

Goffin’s Cockatoo Colors and Markings

The Goffin’s cockatoo is often confused with the bare-eyed cockatoo. It is mostly white with touches of light salmon or pink on either side of their beaks. The salmon color also appears close to the head when the bird fans out his crest. Under the wings, you might notice a pale yellow on the feathers, making their flight a beautiful sight. The birds have a pale gray beak and feet. The only noticeable difference between the sexes is in the eyes. The iris of a male will be black while a female has brown eyes.

